Mulwana Patrick, also known as Alien Skin Ug, is a Ugandan musician who transformed his Ghetto hustle into a remarkable opportunity. He excels not only as a singer but also as an actor, performing artist, and philanthropist
Mulwana Patrick, also known as Alien Skin Ug, is a Ugandan musician who transformed his Ghetto hustle into a remarkable opportunity. He excels not only as a singer but also as an actor, performing artist, and philanthropist
GoPOA Artist Profiling
Mulwana Patrick, also known as Alien Skin Ug, is a Ugandan musician who transformed his Ghetto hustle into a remarkable opportunity. He excels not only as a singer but also as an actor, performing artist, and philanthropist
Mulwana Patrick, also known as Alien Skin Ug, is a Ugandan musician who transformed his Ghetto hustle into a remarkable opportunity. He excels not only as a singer but also as an actor, performing artist, and philanthropist